Dokumentuaren akzioak
Basotik harago (1949) kontra-dantzan

Film zati honetan ikus dezakegun kontra-dantza ederra Beyond the Forest edo Basotik harago pelikulako eszena bat da. Joserra Otegiren txio baten bidez iritsi zaigu esku artera. Pelikulako dantzaldi honetan musika-taldearekin batera kontra-dantzen figurak markatzen dituen caller-a edo esataria ikus dezakegu. Gurean, dantza-jauzietan markatu ohi ditugu urratsak, baina beste zenbait errepertoriotan ere ohikoa izan dela ikusten dugu irudi hauetan. Sarean laguntza eskatu dugu urratsen esatariak "kantatzen" dituen hitzak transkribatzeko eta hainbat lagunek lan bikaina egin dute, eskerrak beraz Malko Vich, Shane Curley, Patxi Lizarraga eta Dan Ansotegiri. Hemen dituzue hitzak:
Down the center
Divide the ring
The ladies go "gee" and
The gents go "haw"
Swing when you meet
Both heads and feet
And always swing
Do-si-do your corners all
Do-si-do your partners all
All-a-man left with
The old left hand
It's back to your partner
Go right and left grand
Hand over hand
Till you come round
Hand over hand
Till you come down
Meet your partner
Promenade eight
Now round the old track
Till you come straight
Promenade two by two
Promenade as you used to do
Second and fourth
Balance and swing
Down the center
Divide the ring
The ladies go "gee"
And the gents go "haw"
And you come back home
And you all eight whirl
Swing all
Swing that pretty girl
Do-si-do your corners all
Do-si-do your partners all
It's back to your partner
Go right and left grand
Hand over hand
Till you come round
Hand over hand
Till you come down
Meet your partner
Promenade eight
And round the old track
And you'll come straight
Here we go
With the old met swag
And the hind wheel broke
And the axle drag
Four ladies chain
To the cent and back
Four ladies chain
On a figure-8 track
I only came up here to see you.
Slip away to the gun room.
All join hands
In a circle down south
Let a little sunshine
In your mouth
Honor your corners
And partners all
Then two step clear
Around the hall
Kontra-dantza edo square dancea da bideokoa, horixe baita Europako kontra-dantzek AEBtan hartu zuten izena. 1949an King Vidor zinemagile estatubatuarrak zuzendu zuen pelikula da, Stuart Engstrandem nobela ezezagun batetik moldatua. Basotik harago, Beyond the Forest, King Vidor, 1949.
- 1949
- irudi-zaharrak
- kontra-dantza
- xxmendea
- basotik-harago
- beyond-de-forest
- aeb
- tradizionala
- kontra-dantzak
- zinea
- king-vidor
- square-dance
Dokumentuaren akzioak